Scottish Vlogger Criticizes Filipinos Lingering in Cafes, Triggers Debate

Scottish Vlogger

For many Filipinos of the workforce/student population, cafes populated around the metro situate as a second home. Utilizing the space’s amenities, albeit sometimes borderline exploitation of its resources, many find these establishments as safe havens, ushering productivity with a soothing cup of joe, shared individually or in groups. While this outlook is somewhat of an […]

Bacolod Cafe Refuses To Give Free Food to Vloggers

bacolod cafe refuses give free food vloggers thumbnail

A neighborhood nook for animal lovers, Negros Occidental’s Mr. Bunny Cafe is a business that attracts locals for a rare rabbit-cafe experience. Given the traction brought about by its unique selling proposition, the landmark places itself as a touchpoint for content creators and a promising family-oriented location.  From the number of individuals that avail of […]