Michelle Dee Gets Inked By Apo Whang-Od: “Finally”

michelle dee gets inked by apo whang od thumbnail

2023 Miss Universe Philippines Michelle Dee recently made the journey to the Buscalan community in Tinglayan, Kalinga, seeking Apo Whang-Od’s signature on her skin. She took her brief interaction and tattoo session with the oldest living mambabatok to her socials with the caption: “Finally,” honoring a full-circle moment upon meeting Whang-Od—who inspired her Mark Bumgarner-designed […]

Catriona Gray Recreates Her Winning Ms. Universe Gowns

Catriona Gray

Catriona Gray’s Ms. Universe-winning ensemble returns to social media five years after her coronation as the pageant’s victor. Designed originally by Mak Tumang, two of her gowns resurfaced through an Instagram carousel, recalling her journey in Bangkok, Thailand as something “against the grain.” Instagram: @catriona_gray, @vincecanlapan Gray unveiled updated renditions of her “Ibong Adarna” and […]