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#RP612fic Memes Return For Independence Day 2024

Filipinos celebrated Philippine Independence with memes that marry history with pop culture.
James Francisco

By now, Filipino memes have become customary during the annual celebration of Independence Day under the hashtag #RP612fic on X (formerly Twitter). The hashtag “Republic of the Philippines, June 12, Fiction” intertwines the past with modern-day pop culture, garnering around 70,000 tweets as of writing.

Reportedly introduced by Philippine Alternative Mythology writer Paolo Chikiamco in 2009, the trend reached a national scale by showcasing creativity and humor, revisiting and reimagining local history and literature. This year, #RP612fic highlighted the common-law wife of Filipino nationalist José Rizal before his execution in 1896, Josephine Bracken, alongside other trending themes.

X/Twitter: @imkierantiu

X/Twitter: @Benj_Buddy

X/Twitter: @domediocre

X/Twitter: @mahnaipo

X/Twitter: @viwcmforben

Apart from references surrounding the brief marriage of Rizal and Bracken, others drew inspiration from prominent moments across the country’s history dating back thousands of years.

X/Twitter: @ctrlvn

X/Twitter: @kuzokusunoki

X/Twitter: @bloomsberger

X/Twitter: @hesteviestyles

X/Twitter: @2AMevermore

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