Pop Culture

How to Wes Anderson-ize Your Videos

Recognized for the ability to harness balance through imagery, Wes Anderson’s unique flare and cinematography distinguishes him as a nomad amongst the greats. The multi-award-winning director procures a style distinctly his, beloved and consumed by many. Feature films such as The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014), Moonrise Kingdom (2012), and Fantastic Mr. Fox (2009) all embody a similar storytelling process—regardless of the genre or medium utilized.

Wes Anderson’s Moonrise Kingdom (2012)

Behind the magic

A recurring theme of Anderson’s films is the conventional use of symmetry and shape. The objects featured consist of straight lines, with static shots. When choosing to emphasize movement, a smooth and slow approach is recommended. TikTok creator, Esno Art, recommends placing the recording device at 90° or 180° degrees—focusing solely on the subject.

Color grading appears to be a prominent trait in dissecting Anderson’s work. The award-winning director merges warm and earthy tones, integrating similar gradients throughout his pictures, having each frame slated to the smallest pixel. 

Wes Anderson’s Fantastic Mr. Fox (2009)

Seems quite technical? Applications such as Capcut and Splice do the job of capturing the ideal palette. We’d recommend researching the specific filters and metrics, making your edits uncanny to the original.

To culminate the approach, videos on social media suggest integrating Anderson’s recognizable melody—with The Grand Budapest Hotel and The French Dispatch citing a few. Alexandre Desplat is responsible for translating the beauty of several of his films into sound, with the tracks being widely available at your disposal.

For inspiration

Embracing this classic perspective, Instagram and TikTok creators continue to draw influence from the American filmmaker, incorporating Anderson’s themes conceived through personal narration. Beauty and value are freely available in the mundane, as modern technology and timeless inspiration invite the cinematographer within to pick up the camera and capture what may be invisible to the naked eye.

Published by
Xavier Bautista
Tags: How To

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