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This Cebuano Artist Reimagines Studio Ghibli Films With Filipino References

Bastinuod recreates several of Hayao Miyazaki’s Studio Ghibli icons, slating his works with Filipino twists that showcase a convergence of cultures.
James Francisco

Hayao Miyazaki’s beloved Studio Ghibli films garner a Filipino-inspired makeover, conceived through the creative reimagination of Cebuano artist Bastinuod. The chain of illustrations draws inspiration from the Koganei, Tokyo production house, boasting remnants of the country’s most similar alternatives.

Instagram: @bastinuod

Previewed last February 2021, Bastinuod released his 2001 Spirited Away bathhouse, taking part in the once-viral #GhibliDraw trend—an online campaign where participants executed iconic scenes from the Ghibli franchise, brought to life through their artistry.

His initial entry resembles a towering Bahay Kubo, complemented by its wood, bamboo, and nipa grass exterior. At the foot of the base stands his depiction of a young Filipina girl, presumably Chihiro, dressed in an oversized green-and-white top.

“I enjoyed participating in this challenge because it allowed me to explore how I could incorporate Filipino culture and identity into these iconic characters,” he tells Complex Philippines.

“My art always attempts to reinterpret either socio-cultural issues or political issues into my style. Well, with this series, I wanted to incorporate Ghibli characters into what I believe makes Filipinos unique,” he adds.

Instagram: @bastinuod

Bastinuod would continue his Filipino Ghibli tributes, through renditions of “My Neighbor Totoro,”—replacing the 1988 “Rabbit-like Spirit” with a giant furry Tarsier, along with scenes from  “Grave of the Fireflies,” “Princess Mononoke,” “Howl's Moving Castle,” and “Ponyo.”

Three years after the collection’s completion, he entertains the possibility of expanding the collection, exemplifying the creative relationship between the timeless Japanese franchise and Filipino’s centuries-long heritage.

“Yes, I definitely plan to create more Ghibli-inspired artworks. I wish to showcase the richness of Filipino culture through the characters of Studio Ghibli, and perhaps more in the future,” he mentions.

Instagram: @bastinuod

Instagram: @bastinuod

Instagram: @bastinuod

Instagram: @bastinuod

Instagram: @bastinuod

Instagram: @bastinuod

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