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Kanye West Accused of Sexual Harassment by Former Assistant

Lauren Pisciotta says she was hired by Ye in 2021 and alleges she was subject to explicit text messages before terminating her employment.
Kanye West
Scott Dudelson / Getty Images

Kanye West faces a new lawsuit from his former assistant, claiming she was terminated after sending her explicit sexual text messages and videos.

According to TMZ, Lauren Pisciotta, a 35-year-old former OnlyFans creator who earns $1 million annually, was hired by Ye in July 2021 to collaborate on his fashion line and album Donda. Prior to her employment with Ye, she had a stint as Niykee Heaton’s manager, per Generation Icon.

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Instagram: @laurenpisciotta

A year into her employment with Kanye, the rapper asked her to be “God Like,” delete her OnlyFans account, and promised to match her earnings, to which she agreed.

However, Ye reportedly began sending Pisciotta vulgar messages and videos that allegedly included racist and explicit content, and masturbated during phone calls. The model also claims Ye was fixated on the penis size of her boyfriends.

“See my problem is I be wanting to fuck but then after I fuck I want a girl to tell me how hard they been fucked while I'm fucking them. Then I want her to cheat on me …,” reportedly read one of the text messages, per TMZ.

Another message allegedly sent to Pisciotta by Ye read, “Is my dick racist? It is. This fucking racist dick of mine. I going to beat this fucking racist dick for being fucking racist. I'm going to stare at pictures of white woman with black asses and beat the suck out of my racist dick … Beating the shit out of his big black cock.”

Pisciotta claims she was promoted to Chief of Staff for his various companies with an annual salary for $4 million before being fired in October 2022. She says she was never paid her $3 million severance offer.

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Instagram: @laurenpisciotta

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Instagram: @laurenpisciotta

She is suing Ye for breach of contract, sexual harassment, wrongful termination, and hostile work environment.

This article was originally published on

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